Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information CenterHis Excellency, Bishop / Sayedna / Sayidna Ibrahim Ibrahim of CanadaThe new bishop of the Melkite Catholic Eparchy of Saint Sauveur-Montreal, Canada, will be the Rt. Rev. Archimandrite Ibrahim Ibrahim, BSO, June 2002The new bishop of the Melkite Catholic Eparchy of Saint Sauveur-Montreal, Canada, will be the Rt. Rev. Archimandrite Ibrahim Ibrahim, BSO, currently pastor of St Elias Church in Cleveland, Ohio. On Wednesday, June 18, 2003, at the first working session of the Synod of Melkite Bishops, His Beatitude, Patriarch Gregorios III, with the assent of the Holy See of Rome, announced the appointment of Bishop-elect Ibrahim. He succeeds the late Bishop Sleiman Hajjar as the Melkite Eparch for all of Canada. Bishop-elect Ibrahim has served as protopresbyter for the Great Lakes region, ecumenical officer of the Eparchy and a member of both the Presbyteral Council and Eparchial College of Consultors. He is presently the Regional Superior of the Basilian Salvatorian Fathers in the USA. At age 41, Bishop-elect Ibrahim is among the youngest men appointed to serve the Melkite Church as an eparchial bishop. The Eparchy of St. Sauveur de Montreal of the Greek Melkite Catholics has 43,000 lay people, 15 priests, 1 deacon, and 10 religious. The bishop-elect was born in Jinsnaya, Lebanon in 1962 and was ordained a priest in 1987. Episcopal OrdinationSunday, August 17, 2003, 5:30 PM More InformationJesus the King Melkite Church Toronto, Ontario Fr. Ibrahim Ibrahim named to Canadian Eparchy(06/03) New Eparch of Saint Sauveur-Montreal The Melkite Greek Catholic Church Eparchy of Newton, Roslindale, Massachusetts, United States June 18, 2003 New Bishop Named for Greek-Melkite Catholics in Canada Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops Media Release Holy See's Web Site.LatinRINUNCE E NOMINE NOMINA DEL VESCOVO DI ST SAUVEUR DE MONTRÉAL DEI GRECO- MELKITI CATTOLICI (CANADA) Il Santo Padre ha nominato Vescovo di St Sauveur de Montréal dei Greco-Melkiti Cattolici (Canada) il Rev.do P. Ibrahim Ibrahim dell’Ordine Basiliano Salvatoriano B.S. Rev.do P. Ibrahim Ibrahim, B.S. Il Rev.do P. Ibrahim Ibrahim, B.S., è nato il 22 marzo 1962 a Jinsnaya, Libano. Entrato nel 1977 nel Monastero di St. Sauveur a Saïda (Sidone, Libano) dell’Ordine Basiliano Salvatoriano (B.S.) dei Greco-Melkiti Cattolici, è stato ordinato sacerdote il 18 luglio 1987. Dopo aver conseguito il Baccalaureato in Teologia all’Università Gregoriana di Roma, nel 1988 ha ottenuto un Master in Teologia all’Università Lateranense. Nel 1991 è stato nominato parroco della parrocchia St. Elias a Cleveland, Ohio. Nominato proto-presbitero della regione medio-ovest dell’Eparchia di Newton nel 1994, l’anno seguente il suo Ordine lo ha designato primo Assistente nella zona americana e nell’anno 2000 è divenuto Superiore di quella Provincia. E’ Membro ex-officio del Consiglio Presbiterale dal 1994. E’ Membro del Collegio dei Consultori Eparchiali dal 1997. E’ Responsabile della Commissione Eparchiale sull’Ecumenismo e sulle questioni interreligiose. Parla l’arabo, l’inglese, il francese e l’italiano e conosce il latino e il greco. EnglishOTHER PONTIFICAL ACTS VATICAN CITY, JUN 18, 2003 (VIS) - The Holy Father: - Appointed Fr. Ibrahim Ibrahim of the Salvatorian Basilian Order, head of the Eparchial Commission on Ecumenism and on Inter-religious Questions, as bishop of St. Sauveur de Montreal of the Greek Melkite Catholics (Catholics 43,000, priests 15, permanent deacons 1, religious 10), Canada. The bishop-elect was born in Jinsnaya, Lebanon in 1962 and was ordained a priest in 1987. Francais / FrenchAUTRES ACTES PONTIFICAUX CITE DU VATICAN, 18 JUI 2003 (VIS). Le Saint-Père: - A nommé le P.Ibrahim Ibrahim, BS, Evêque de St.Sauveur de Montréal des Melkites (catholiques: 43.000, prêtres: 15, diacres: 1, religieux: 10), au Canada. L'Evêque élu, né en 1962 à Jinsnaya (Liban) et entré dans l'Ordre basilien salvatorien en 1977, a été ordonné prêtre en 1987. Il était jusqu'ici Responsable de la Commission sur l'oecuménisme et les questions inter- religieuses des Eparchies melkites. Italiano /ItalianALTRI ATTI PONTIFICI CITTA' DEL VATICANO, 18 GIU. 2003 (VIS). Il Santo Padre ha nominato il Padre Ibrahim Ibrahim, dell'Ordine Basiliano Salvatoriano B.S., Vescovo di Saint- Sauveur de Montréal dei Greco-Melkiti (cattolici: 43.000; sacerdoti: 15; religiosi: 10; diaconi permanenti: 1), Canada. Il Vescovo eletto è nato a Jinsnaya (Libano) nel 1962, è entrato nell'Ordine Basilicano Salvatoriano nel 1977, ed è stato ordinato sacerdote nel 1987. Finora è stato Responsabile della Commissione Eparchiale sull'Ecumenismo e sulle questioni interreligiose. Espanol / SpanishOTROS ACTOS PONTIFICIOS CIUDAD DEL VATICANO, 18 JUN 2003 (VIS).-El Santo Padre: - Nombró al padre Ibrahim Ibrahim, B.S., obispo de St. Sauveur de Montréal de los Greco-Melkitas (católicos 43.000, sacerdotes 15, religiosos 10, diáconos permanentes 1) en Canadá. El obispo electo nació en 1962 en Jinsnaya (Líbano), entró en la Orden Basiliana Salvatoriana en 1977, fue ordenado sacerdote en 1987 y hasta ahora era responsable de la Comisión eparquial sobre el ecumenismo y las cuestiones interreligiosas. The text below is from the Zenit Web Site.BISHOP, 41, NAMED FOR GREEK-MELKITE CATHOLICS IN CANADA OTTAWA, JUNE 19, 2003 (Zenit.org).- John Paul II named Salvatorian Basilian Father Ibrahim Ibrahim as bishop of the Holy Savior Eparchy of Montreal for Greek-Melkite Catholics in Canada. The eparchy has been without a bishop since the death of Sleiman Hajjar in March 2002. Born on March 22, 1962, in Jinsnaya, Lebanon, Bishop-elect Ibrahim was ordained to the priesthood for the Salvatorian Basilian Order on July 18, 1987, in Saida, Lebanon. He received a bachelor's degree in theology from the Gregorian University in Rome, and a master's in theology from the Lateran University. He has ministered primarily in the United States of America. At the time of his nomination was pastor of St. Elias Parish in Cleveland, Ohio. He is head of the Eparchial Commission on Ecumenism and Interreligious Questions for the Greek-Melkite Church. The Catholic population of the Greek-Melkite Church in Canada is 43,000, served by 15 priests, one permanent deacon, and 10 religious in 10 parishes and missions. The Greek-Melkite Catholic Church is one of seven Eastern-rite Churches in Canada. ZE03061923 email this article: http://www.zenit.org/senglish/send_friend/index.phtml?sid=37493 Web Site Home - Theology Home - Hierarchy Home - Locations Home - Education Home - Stewardship Home - Links Home - Vendors Home - Alphabetical Index Home - Thesaurus Home - Sitemap Home - Arabic fonts Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center Martha Liles Web URL address: Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center or https://www.mliles.com/melkite/ E-mail: mliles@mliles.com or mliles@mliles.com Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center is
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