Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information CenterDivine Liturgy - GospelDivine Liturgy - Reading of the GospelThe word "Gospel" means "Good News" or "Good Spel" . "Good News" or "Good Spel" is the coming of our Savior, Holy God the Son within the Holy Trinity / Our Lord, God and Savior, Jesus Christ . The "Good News" or "Good Spel" is contained in the first four books of the New Testament in the Holy Bible. Before we listen to the Gospel read, two things happen to tell us that the Gospel reading is important.
Divine Liturgy - Standing Under the Gospel Book During the Reading of the GospelDuring the Divine Liturgy, the Priest reads the Gospel. At this time, the people stand under the Gospel book held by the Priest. The explanation below was written by Rev. Fr. James Graham, Pastor of Saint Elias the Prophet Melkite Greek Catholic Mission, San Jose, CA, Sunday Bulletin Oct. 27, 2002. Everyone is Invited to Stand Under the Gospel BookStanding Under the Gospel Book During the Reading of the Gospel is a wonderful custom for children and for adults. Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Me." And He said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life." Jesus is the Word of God who became a man for our salvation. His Word is in the Gospel, and standing under the Gospel Book (the Evangelion or Vangile), or holding it for the priest, is a sign that we want to make the Word of God the center of our lives. All the children, and all the people in the church, are invited to come forward to stand under the Gospel Book when the priest comes out from the altar and announces, "Wisdom! Let us stand to hear the reading of the Holy Gospel!" More information about the GospelsGospels Web Site Home - Theology Home - Hierarchy Home - Locations Home - Education Home - Stewardship Home - Links Home - Vendors Home - Alphabetical Index Home - Thesaurus Home - Sitemap Home - Arabic fonts Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center Martha Liles Web URL address: Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center or https://www.mliles.com/melkite/ E-mail: mliles@mliles.com or mliles@mliles.com Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center is
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dedicated to my cousins: Bucky (Richard C. Liles), Shirley (Shirley Jean Liles Buck), and Donna (Donna Bertha Liles Campbell). Bucky fell asleep in
the Lord on Dec. 12, 2000, Shirley fell asleep in the Lord on Nov. 8, 2001, and Donna fell asleep in the Lord on March 9, 2020. This site copyright©2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020 Martha Liles. All rights reserved.