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His Beatitude, the Regretted, Maximos V, Patriarch / Batriyark of the cities of Antioch, Alexandria and Jerusalem, of Cilicia, Syria, Iberia, Arabia Mesopotamia, Pentapolis, Ethiopia, of all of Egypt and the entire East, Father of Fathers, Pastor of Pastors, Bishop of Bishops, the Thirteenth of The Holy Apostles Resignation
His Beatitude, Patriarch Maximos V retired on 22 November
From 22 November, 1967 until November 22, 2000, the Patriarchal Head of the Greek Melkite Catholic Church was His Beatitude, Patriarch Maximos V Patriarch of the cities of Antioch, Alexandria and Jerusalem, of Cilicia, Syria, Iberia, Arabia Mesopotamia, Pentapolis, Ethiopia, of all of Egypt and the entire East, Father of Fathers, Pastor of Pastors, Bishop of Bishops, the Thirteenth of The Holy Apostles. His Beatitude, Patriarch Maximos V Hakim retired on 22 November, the 33rd anniversary of his election. He was granted Communion by Pope Paul VI on November 26, 1967.
Letter of the Synod to Retired Patriarch Maximos V
The Bishops of the Melkite Synod accepted the retirement of Patriarch Maximos V and sent him this letter:
"To His Beatitude, Patriarch Maximos V Hakim,
The Fathers of the Holy Synod meeting today at the Patriarchal Residence at
Rabweh, beg your blessing and your prayer. They express to your Beatitude,
their gratitude and their appreciation for your great efforts and your
valuable endeavors to enhance our Church on all levels and to makke it grow
spirituall, pastorally and physically, withiin the traditional area of the
Patriarchate and in the Countries of Emigration.
Our Church owes you many memorable favors, which history will write in golden
letters On its shining pages, and which your children will remember with
great esteem and pride.
We implore long life for your Beatitude, and we ask for your good prayers and
your paternal blessings, so that we can continue our journey with diligence
and perseverance that you and your great predecessors traced for us in the
Partial text of letter Date: Thursday, November 23, 2000, From: Bishop John Elya, To:His Flock, Subject: Patriarchate Progress Report
I am pleased to send you the following progress report on the situation of
the Melkite Patriarchate regarding the resignation of His Beatitude, Patriarch
Maximos V Hakim, Patriarch / Batriyark of Antioch and All the East, of Alexandria and of
Jerusalem. His Beatitude, 92 year old, bedridden since he had a stroke last
February, presented his resignation to the Melkite Synod in a letter dated on
October 17, signed by him and four witnesses.
After due consultation with His Holiness Pope John Paul II and the
Congregation for the Eastern Churches, an exceptional Synod of the Melkite
Greek Catholic Church was held at the Patriarchal Residence, Rabweh, Lebanon
on Wednesday, November 22, 2000. It was convened and presided by the
Patriarchal Administrator, Archbishop John Haddad of Tyre.
The following Press Release was issued by the Patriarchate in this regard
{signed by the Most Rev. Archbishop Jean Mansour, the Patriarchal
Adminiistrator} :
n 1 - The Holy Synod of the Bishops of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church held
on November 22, accepted the resignation of His Beatitude, Maximos Hakim V,
which he had presented to the Synod {by writing, signed by him and by four
witnesses,} on October 17, 2000.
n On this occasion, the Fathers of the Synod addressed to His Beatitude, the
following letter:
"To His Beatitude, Patriarch Maximos V Hakim,
The Fathers of the Holy Synod meeting today at the Patriarchal Residence at
Rabweh, beg your blessing and your prayer. They express to your Beatitude,
their gratitude and their appreciation for your great efforts and your
valuable endeavors to enhance our Church on all levels and to makke it grow
spirituall, pastorally and physically, withiin the traditional area of the
Patriarchate and in the Countries of Emigration.
Our Church owes you many memorable favors, which history will write in golden
letters On its shining pages, and which your children will remember with
great esteem and pride.
We implore long life for your Beatitude, and we ask for your good prayers and
your paternal blessings, so that we can continue our journey with diligence
and perseverance that you and your great predecessors traced for us in the
Holy Synod Will Consider Resignation, Election of Patriarch
His Beatitude, Maximos V, Melkite-Greek Catholic Patriarch / Batriyark of Antioch and All the East, of Alexandria, and of Jerusalem since 22 November 1967, has submitted his resignation to the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church. Born on 18 May 1908 in Tanta, Egypt, His Beatitude, has been incapacitated by the effects of a stroke since early this year. In June, Metropolitan John Haddad, Archbishop of Tyre, has been Apostolic Administrator of the Patriarchate. On 22 November, the 33rd anniversary of the election of Maximos V as Patriarch, the Synod will meet at the Patriarchate in Rabweh, Lebanon, to accept his resignation and to elect a new Patriarch. After his election, the new Patriarchate will send a letter announcing his election to the Pope in Rome. The Pope will respond with an acknowledgement of the election and a reaffirmation of the communion of the two Churches. Our Bishops John and Nicholas will fly to Lebanon today to participate in the meeting of the Synod. May God guide all our bishops to choose a wise, strong, and loving Father for our Church.
His Excellency, Bishop Nicholas Samra reports on the Synod of Melkite Bishops in Lebanon and His Beatitude, Maximos V
His Excellency, Bishop Nicholas Samra recently wrote to all the clergy of the diocese after
his return from the meeting of Synod of Melkite Bishops in Lebanon. "Our
Synod," he wrote, "was held under the direction of Archbishop John
Haddad, Metropolitan of Tyre and Apostolic Administrator of the Patriarchate.
His Beatitude, Maximos V is in very poor health-his life is between bed and
a chair and he is unable to walk at all. He is aware, knew all of us, and
spoke with each one, yet his medical team does not expect full recovery. He
has 24-hour care by a professional staff; please keep him in your prayers
and recommend him to the prayers of the faithful."
Pope Appoints Apostolic Administrator for Melkite Patriarchate
The text of this annoucement is below:
Giovanni Paolo II ha nominato Amministratore Apostolico "sede plena" della Chiesa Patriarcale di Antiochia dei Greco-Melkiti Cattolici S.E. Mons. Jean Assad Haddad, Arcivescovo Metropolita di Tyr dei Greco-Melkiti.
S.E. Mons. Jean Assad Haddad
S.E. Mons. Jean Assad Haddad è nato a Beit-Chabab, arcieparchia di Beirut dei Greco-Melkiti Cattolici, il 17 dicembre 1926. Ha compiuto gli studi di Filosofia e di Teologia nel Seminario Sainte-Anne di Gerusalemme. E’ stato ordinato sacerdote a Beirut il 2 luglio 1950.
Ha ricoperto diverse cariche pastorali in seno alla sua arcidiocesi: Direttore della scuola "N.D. du Perpétuel Secours"; parroco in varie località; assistente spirituale di
associazioni cattoliche.
E’ stato altresì Parroco della chiesa "N.D. de l’Annonciation" a Beirut, Preside del Tribunale unificato di 1ª Istanza dei Greco-Melkiti nel Libano; Economo Generale e
Vicario Generale dell’Arcieparchia di Beirut dei Greco-Melkiti Cattolici.
Il 29 ottobre 1988 è stato eletto Arcivescovo di Tyr dei Greco-Melkiti Cattolici e ordinato il 27 novembre dello stesso anno.
The date of the above annoucement is June 12, 2000.
Pope John Paul II has appointed Archbishop John Haddad, Metropolitan of Tyre, as Apostolic Administrator of the Patriarchate
Our Patriarch Maximos V Hakim has been incapacitated since suffering a severe stroke in February. He has been unable to perform his functions or even to appoint an administrator or to resign. For this reason, Pope John Paul II has appointed Archbishop John Haddad, Metropolitan of Tyre, as Apostolic Administrator of the Patriarchate, sede plena, which means that the patriarchal office is not vacant. Archbishop Haddad is 73 and has been Metropolitan of Tyre since 1988. Patriarch Maximos V, now 92 years old, was elected in 1967. The Melkite Patriarch / Batriyark of Antioch is elected by the Holy Synod of Bishops and recognized by the Pope.
Patriarch Maximos V Health Update
2/27 Thank you for your prayers for Patriarch Maximos V. He has waken from the coma and is able to communicate by writing. He is weak and is unable to speak. Patriarch Maximos V has an iron will to serve God and his people.
Patriarch Maximos is in a coma
2/20 Please pray for Patriarch Maximos V. He is in a coma in Beruit, Lebanon.
The Patriarchal Head
of the Greek Melkite Catholic Church His Beatitude, Patriarch Maximos V
His Beatitude, The Patriarch Maximos V Hakim
Greek Melkite Patriarch / Batriyark of Antioch and all the East and Alexandria and Jerusalem
Patriarchal Head of the Greek Melkite Catholic Church
His Beatitude, Patriarch Maximos V Hakim (on right) with
His Beatitude, Patriarch Grégoire (Gregory) III (on left)
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Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center
Martha Liles
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E-mail: mliles@mliles.com or mliles@mliles.com
Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center is
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approved by any Melkite clergy person.
Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center contains a range of World Wide Web sites on Melkite faith, belief, practice, history, etc. Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center
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Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center is
dedicated to my cousins: Bucky (Richard C. Liles), Shirley (Shirley Jean Liles Buck), and Donna (Donna Bertha Liles Campbell). Bucky fell asleep in
the Lord on Dec. 12, 2000, Shirley fell asleep in the Lord on Nov. 8, 2001, and Donna fell asleep in the Lord on March 9, 2020.
O God of all spirits and of all flesh, who have destroyed death, overcome the devil, and given life to the world: grant, O Lord, to the souls of your servants
Bucky and Shirley, who has departed from this life, that it may rest in a place of light, in a place of happiness, in a place of peace, where there is no pain, no
grief, no sighing. And since You are a gracious God and the Lover of Mankind, forgive him/her every sin he/she has committed by thought, or word, or deed, for
there is not a man who lives and does not sin : You alone are without sin, your righteousness is everlasting, and your word is true. You are the Resurrection and
the Life, and the repose of your departed servants Bucky and Shirley. O Christ our God, and we send up glory to You, together with your eternal Father and your
all-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and always and for ages upon ages. Amen.
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Last Updated: Wednesday, June 03, 2020, 16:09:20, CDT
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