Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information CenterFirst Visit of His Beatitude, Gregorios III, Patriarch / Batriyark of the cities of Antioch, Alexandria and Jerusalem, of Cilicia, Syria, Iberia, Arabia Mesopotamia, Pentapolis, Ethiopia, of all of Egypt and the entire East, Father of Fathers, Pastor of Pastors, Bishop of Bishops, the Thirteenth of The Holy Apostles (Patriarcat Grec Melkite Catholique) to His Holiness Ioannes Paulus II (John Paul II) - Liturgical CelebrationDivine Liturgy was celebrated by His Holiness Ioannes Paulus II (John Paul II) and His Beatitude, Gregorios III, Patriarch / Batriyark of the cities of Antioch, Alexandria and Jerusalem, of Cilicia, Syria, Iberia, Arabia Mesopotamia, Pentapolis, Ethiopia, of all of Egypt and the entire East, Father of Fathers, Pastor of Pastors, Bishop of Bishops, the Thirteenth of The Holy Apostles The full text of Pope John Paul II's Speech from the Holy See's Web Site.EnglishThe text below is from the Holy See's Web Site. EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATION WITH THE MELKITE GREEK CATHOLICS
Your Beatitude,
We are about to concelebrate the Sacrifice of the Lord. The communion of Pastors and disciples in faith and love around the Successor of Peter becomes a reality in Christ. Your presence this morning is particularly significant. I greet Your Beatitude, Grégoire III, the new Patriarch of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church. In your communion with the Bishop of Rome you bring the spiritual treasures of the people whose care the Lord has entrusted to you, thereby showing the Church's catholicity. I pray that Christ will grant you his gifts in abundance, so that each day, along with all the Bishops and clergy, you may be a Pastor after God's heart. My thoughts turn to the communities of your Patriarchate, as I ask the Lord to accompany them in their spiritual life and in the witness of faith and hope which they must give to all people. Drawing support from the enthusiasm we witnessed during the Great Jubilee, may they remain closely united to Christ, in order to receive from him the power of faith, the courage of hope and boldness in proclaiming the Gospel! May the Theotokos and the saints of your Church intercede for you all! Francais / FrenchThe text below is from the Holy See's Web Site. CONCÉLÉBRATION AVEC LES ÉVÊQUES
PAROLES DU SAINT-PÈRE Lundi 12 février 2001
Béatitude, chers Frères dans l'Épiscopat et dans le
Sacerdoce, Nous allons concélébrer le Sacrifice du Seigneur. Dans le Christ, se réalise la communion dans la foi et dans l’amour des Pasteurs et des disciples autour du Successeur de Pierre. Votre présence ce matin est particulièrement significative. Je vous salue, chère Béatitude Grégoire III, nouveau patriarche de l’Église grecque-melkite, vous qui dans la communion avec l’Évêque de Rome apportez les richesses spirituelles du peuple dont le Seigneur vous a confié la charge, manifestant ainsi la catholicité de l’Église. Je prie le Christ de vous accorder en abondance ses dons, afin que vous puissiez être chaque jour, avec l’ensemble des évêques et du clergé, un pasteur selon le cœur de Dieu. Ma pensée se tourne vers les communautés de votre patriarcat, demandant au Seigneur de les accompagner dans leur vie spirituelle et dans le témoignage de foi et d’espérance qu’elles ont à donner auprès de l’ensemble de la population. Prenant appui sur le dynamisme dont nous avons été témoins au cours du grand Jubilé, puissent-elles demeurer intimement unies au Christ, pour obtenir de Lui la force de la foi, le courage de l’espérance et l’audace dans l’annonce de l’Évangile! Que la Théotokos et les saints de votre Église intercèdent pour vous tous! Italiano / ItalianThe text below is from the Holy See's Web Site. CONCELEBRAZIONE
Beatitudine, cari Fratelli nell'Episcopato e nel Sacerdozio,
Stiamo per concelebrare il Sacrificio del Signore. In Cristo si realizza la comunione nella fede e nell'amore dei Pastori e dei discepoli attorno al Successore di Pietro. La vostra presenza questa mattina è particolarmente significativa. La saluto, cara Beatitudine Grégoire III, nuovo Patriarca della Chiesa greco-melkita, lei che nella comunione con il Vescovo di Roma apporta le ricchezze spirituali del popolo che il Signore le ha affidato, manifestando così la cattolicità della Chiesa. Prego Cristo di concederle in abbondanza i suoi doni, affinché possa essere ogni giorno, con l'insieme dei Vescovi e del clero, un Pastore secondo il cuore di Dio. Il mio pensiero si volge alle comunità del suo Patriarcato, chiedendo al Signore di accompagnarle nella loro vita spirituale e nella testimonianza di fede e di speranza che possono offrire all'insieme della popolazione. Fondandosi sul dinamismo di cui siamo stati testimoni al centro del Grande Giubileo, possano esse rimanere intimamente unite a Cristo, per ottenere da Lui la forza della fede, il coraggio della speranza e l'audacia nell'annuncio del Vangelo! Che la Théotokos e i santi della vostra Chiesa intercedano per tutti voi! Portugues / PortugueseThe text below is from the Holy See's Web Site. PALAVRAS DO SANTO PADRE Segunda-feira, 12 de Fevereiro de 2001
Estamos para concelebrar o Sacrifício do Senhor. Em Cristo realiza-se a comunhão na fé e no amor dos Pastores e dos discípulos em redor do Sucessor de Pedro. A vossa presença esta manhã é muito significativa. Saúdo-o, querida Beatitude Gregório III, novo Patriarca da Igreja greco-melquita, que, em comunhão com o Bispo de Roma leva as riquezas espirituais do povo que o Senhor lhe confiou, manifestando assim a catolicidade da Igreja. Peço a Cristo que lhe conceda em abundância os seus dons, a fim de que possa ser todos os dias, com todos os Bispos e com o clero, um Pastor segundo o coração de Deus. O meu pensamento dirige-se às comunidades do seu Patriarcado, pedindo ao Senhor que as acompanhe na sua vida espiritual e no testemunho de fé e de esperança que podem oferecer a toda a população. Baseando-se no dinamismo do qual fomos testemunhas no centro do Grande Jubileu, que elas possam permanecer intimamente unidas a Cristo, para obter d'Ele a força da fé, a coragem da esperança e a audácia no anúncio do Evangelho! Que a Théotokos e os santos da vossa Igreja intercedam por todos vós! News from the Holy See's Web Site.EnglishThe text below is from the Holy See's Web Site. HOLY FATHER, GREEK-MELKITE PATRIARCH CONCELEBRATE MASS VATICAN CITY, FEB 12, 2001 (VIS) - Today Pope John Paul and His Beatitude, Grégoire (Gregory) III , patriarch of Greek-Melkite Catholics, concelebrated Mass, accompanied by bishops and priests of the patriarchate. He welcomed Grégoire (Gregory) III , "new patriarch of the Greek-Melkite Church who, in communion with the Bishop of Rome, brings the spiritual riches of the people whom the Lord has entrusted to you, thus showing the catholicity of the Church." "My thoughts go to the communities of your patriarchate," the Holy Father said, "asking the Lord to accompany them in their spiritual life and in the witness of faith and hope that they have to give to the entire population. ... May they remain intimately linked to Christ to obtain from Him the strength of faith, the courage of hope and audacity in announcing the Gospel!" AC/GREEK-MELKITES/GREGORY III VIS 010212 (150) Italiano / ItalianThe text below is from the Holy See's Web Site. CONCELEBRAZIONE EUCARISTICA DEL SANTO PADRE CON I VESCOVI E I SACERDOTI DEL PATRIARCATO DI ANTIOCHIA DEI GRECO-MELKITI (SIRIA) , 12.02.2001 CONCELEBRAZIONE EUCARISTICA DEL SANTO PADRE CON I VESCOVI E I SACERDOTI DEL PATRIARCATO DI ANTIOCHIA DEI GRECO-MELKITI (SIRIA) Alle ore 7.30 di questa mattina, nella Sua Cappella privata, Giovanni Paolo II ha concelebrato la Santa Messa con Sua Beatitudine Grégoire III, Patriarca di Antiochia dei Greco-Melkiti (Siria), insieme ai Vescovi e ai Sacerdoti del Patriarcato, in occasione del loro pellegrinaggio a Roma. Pubblichiamo di seguito le parole che il Santo Padre ha pronunciato prima della Santa Messa: PAROLE DEL SANTO PADRE Béatitude, chers Frères dans l'Épiscopat et dans le Sacerdoce, Chers Amis, Nous allons concélébrer le Sacrifice du Seigneur. Dans le Christ, se réalise la communion dans la foi et dans l’amour des Pasteurs et des disciples autour du Successeur de Pierre. Votre présence ce matin est particulièrement significative. Je vous salue, chère Béatitude Grégoire III, nouveau patriarche de l’Église grecque-melkite, vous qui dans la communion avec l’Évêque de Rome apportez les richesses spirituelles du peuple dont le Seigneur vous a confié la charge, manifestant ainsi la catholicité de l’Église. Je prie le Christ de vous accorder en abondance ses dons, afin que vous puissiez être chaque jour, avec l’ensemble des évêques et du clergé, un pasteur selon le coeur de Dieu. Ma pensée se tourne vers les communautés de votre patriarcat, demandant au Seigneur de les accompagner dans leur vie spirituelle et dans le témoignage de foi et d’espérance qu’elles ont à donner auprès de l’ensemble de la population. Prenant appui sur le dynamisme dont nous avons été témoins au cours du grand Jubilé, puissent-elles demeurer intimement unies au Christ, pour obtenir de Lui la force de la foi, le courage de l’espérance et l’audace dans l’annonce de l’Évangile! Que la Théotokos et les saints de votre Église intercèdent pour vous tous! [00242-03.01] [Texte original: Français] More information on Patriarch Grégoire (Gregory) IIIPatriarch Grégoire (Gregory) IIIWeb Site Home - Theology Home - Hierarchy Home - Locations Home - Education Home - Stewardship Home - Links Home - Vendors Home - Alphabetical Index Home - Thesaurus Home - Sitemap Home - Arabic fonts Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center Martha Liles Web URL address: Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center or https://www.mliles.com/melkite/ E-mail: mliles@mliles.com or mliles@mliles.com Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center is
an unofficial Melkite Greek Catholic Web site and has not been reviewed or
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dedicated to my cousins: Bucky (Richard C. Liles), Shirley (Shirley Jean Liles Buck), and Donna (Donna Bertha Liles Campbell). Bucky fell asleep in
the Lord on Dec. 12, 2000, Shirley fell asleep in the Lord on Nov. 8, 2001, and Donna fell asleep in the Lord on March 9, 2020. This site copyright©2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020 Martha Liles. All rights reserved.