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Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center
Melkite Greek Catholic Church in Holy Land - Guesthouses
The Melkite Greek Catholic Church would like to host you during your trip to the Holy Land.
In Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nazareth, and Ibillin, the Melkite Church has guestrooms for rent. In Hafia, the Melkite Church maybe able to help you obtain a room.
In Zababdeh, the Melkite priest is willing to help you obtain a room or a house.
1. Jerusalem The Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarchate / Patriarcat grec-melkite catholique de J�rusalem
The Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarchate / Patriarcat grec-melkite catholique de J�rusalem
Contact Information
The Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarchate / Patriarcat grec-melkite catholique de J�rusalem
P.O. Box 14130
Greek Catholic Patriarchate Street
P.O. Box 14130
Jaffa Gate - Bab al-Jalil (Bab el Khalil)
Old City Jerusalem
Jerusalem - 91141
Tel: 6282023, from the US 011.972.2.6282023, local from outside Jerusalem: 02.6282023
6271968, from the US 011.972.2.6271968, local from outside Jerusalem: 02.6271968
6271969, from the US 011.972.2.6271969, local from outside Jerusalem: 02.6271969
6460111, from the US 011.972.2.6460111, local from outside Jerusalem: 02.6460111
Fax: 6286652, from the US 011.972.2.6286652, local from outside Jerusalem: 02.6286652
Mobile/Cell: 054 903 78 33
Patriarch Vicar Office E-mail: gcpjer@p-ol.com
Patriarch E-mail: gcp@pgc-lb.org
Patriarch Vicar Web site: Patriarchal See of Jerusalem, Holy Land, http://www.gcpjer.org
Web site in Arabic: http://www.pgc-lb.org/ara/home http://www.pgc-lb.org/ara/home
Web site in French: http://www.pgc-lb.org/fre/melkite_greek_catholic_church/Jerusalem-Sieges-Patriarcaux http://www.pgc-lb.org/fre/melkite_greek_catholic_church/Jerusalem-Sieges-Patriarcaux
Web site in English: http://www.pgc-lb.org/eng/melkite_greek_catholic_church/Jerusalem-Sieges-Patriarcaux http://www.pgc-lb.org/eng/melkite_greek_catholic_church/Jerusalem-Sieges-Patriarcaux
Anton KH. Munayer, Director of the Guest House, Greek Melkite Catholic Patriarchate
Greek Melkite Catholic Patriarchate Jerusalem Guest House www.gcpfoyer.com
E-mail: Greek Melkite Catholic Patriarchate at reservation@gcpfoyer.com
Tel: 6460100, from the US 011.972.2.6460100, local from outside Jerusalem: 02.6460100
Fax: 6286652, from the US 011.972.2.6286652, local from outside Jerusalem: 02.6286652
Breakfast included, half and full board
Single room per night US $87, Double room per night US $115, Triple room per night US $155
Extra Meal US $18
Children up to 12 years old sharing a room with their parents are granted 50% reduction.
Children under 3 years old are free.
Reservations recommended. The Guesthouse is not always open.
Fax for a reservation.
Does NOT accept credit cards.
Opens at 8:30 am.
Closes about 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 pm depends on the schedule of the workers
Directions to the Patriarchate with the Church
The Patriarchate is in the Christian Quarter, Old City of Jerusalem, by Jaffa Gate
Enter Old City of Jerusalem by Jaffa Gate from New City
That street is David Street. Walk down David Street
Turn left at the second street, which deadends at the entrance to the Church on "Greek Patriarchate Road". To go to
the front door of the Patriarchate, continue to walk left on the "Greek Patriarchate Road". The Greek Patriarchate Road jogs to the right and becomes "St. Dimitri Street".
The front entrance of the Greek Patriarchate is at the beginning of "St. Dimitri Street".
The first street on the left is the "Latin Patriarchate Road". This street deadends into the "Latin Patriarchate".
Web site:
Directions to the Patriarchate within Jerusalem / Al Quds / The Holy One
The Patriarchate is in the Christian Quarter, Old City of Jerusalem / Al Quds / The Holy One, by "Jaffa Gate" / "Bab al-Jalil" ("Bab el Khalil")
Enter Old City of Jerusalem / Al Quds / The Holy One by "Jaffa Gate" / "Bab al-Jalil" ("Bab el Khalil")
That street is "David Street". Walk down "David Street".
Then, there are two roads that can be taken
- Turn left at the third street, "Greek Patriarchate Road". On the right side of this road, there is a street sign reading "Patriarchat Grec-Catholique". Walk the "Greek Patriarchate Road". A street on the left deadends at the entrance to the Church on "Greek Patriarchate Road". To go to the front door of the Patriarchate, continue to walk the "Greek Patriarchate Road". The "Greek Patriarchate Road" jogs to the right and becomes "St. Dimitri Street". The front entrance of the Greek Patriarchate is at the beginning of "St. Dimitri Street".
- Turn left at the second street, which ends at the entrance to the Church on "Greek Patriarchate Road". Turn left on "Greek Patriarchate Road". To go to the front door of the Patriarchate, continue to walk the "Greek Patriarchate Road". The Greek Patriarchate Road jogs to the right and becomes "St. Dimitri Street". The front entrance of the Greek Patriarchate is at the beginning of "St. Dimitri Street".
Travel between Airport in Jaffa (Tel Aviv) and Jerusalem / Al Quds / The Holy One
Travel is by bus or taxi.
- A bus travels between the two cities. The bus can leave you at Jaffa Gate.
- A shared taxi was about NIS 45. A private taxi was about NIS 121. The taxi can leave you at Jaffa Gate.
2. Haifa Eparchy of Akka, Haifa, Nazareth and All of Galilee / Archeveche Grec-Catholique
Eparchy of Akka, Haifa, Nazareth and All of Galilee / Archeveche Grec-Catholique
Eparchical Office / Headquarters
P.O. Box 9450
33 Hagefen Street / Hajveen (Hagefen) Road No. 33 / rue Hagefen 33
31094 Haifa
Tel: 8508105, from other countries including the U.S.: 011.972.4.8508105, local from outside Haifa: 4.8508105
Tel: 8508109, from other countries including the U.S.: 011.972.4.8508109, local from outside Haifa: 4.8508109
Fax: 8508106, from other countries including the U.S.: 011.972.4.8508106, local from outside Haifa: 4.8508106
E-mail: office@melkitegalilee.org
Web site: http://www.melkitegalilee.org/
Web site in Arabic: http://www.pgc-lb.org/ara/home http://www.pgc-lb.org/ara/home
Web site in French: http://www.pgc-lb.org/fre/melkite_greek_catholic_church/Archeparchy-of-Acre-Haiifa-Nazareth-and-all-Galilee,
Web site in English: http://www.pgc-lb.org/eng/melkite_greek_catholic_church/Archeparchy-of-Acre-Haiifa-Nazareth-and-all-Galilee,
The Sayedna / Bishop works and lives in this building. This building is not the Cathedral.
Lubna is the secretary.
There is one Cathedral, which is in Haifa. The church in Nazareth is not the Cathedral.
Mar Elias / St. Elias Cathedral has 3 Parishes under it.
P.O.B. 9133
23 Ein Dor St.
31091 Haifa
Tel: 8523012, from other countries including the U.S.: 011.972.4.8523012, local from outside Haifa: 4.8523012
Fax: 8530166, from other countries including the U.S.: 011.972.4.8530166, local from outside Haifa: 4.8530166
Moble. 054 7880590, 054 488 06 01
Pastor: Archimandrite Agapios (Ihab) Abu Saada)
Assistant Pastor: Abouna Charles Dib
Abouna Suhail Khoury
E-mail: agapiosl977@hotmail.com
E-mail: Chdb90@hotmail.com
3. Bethlehem The Roum Catholic Melkite Church (The Theotokos, The Mother of Jesus Christ, Sitt Maryam)
Melkite Greek Catholic Church in Holy Land - Palestinian -
(Patriarchal See of Jerusalem) Parishes - Bethlehem (Biet Lehem),
Contact Information
334 Star Street
P.O. Box 317
Telephone Church / Priest's official residence / Guesthouse: 2742493, from other countries including the U.S.: 011.970.2.2742493, local from outside Bethlehem: 02.2742493 (code 970 is for Palestine National Authority and code 972 is for Israel. Both codes will work) Abouna lives in the Guesthouse at the Church.
Fax Church / Guesthouse: the fax number is the same as the telephone number
Pastor: Abouna Ya'coub Abou Sa'da
E-mail: Abouna Ya'coub Abou Sa'da, abunayacoub@yahoo.com
Web site: None
Directions within Bethlehem
The street numbers and the street name are in English and Arabic. Also, "Star Street" is named "Calle de la Estralla".
In "Manager Square", face the "Peace Center".
Turn 90 degrees left.
There are two streets leading from "Manager Square".
Take the street on the right, "Paul VI Street".
Soon, there are stairs straight ahead and a street turning to the right.
Take the street on the right, "Star Street".
"Star Street" makes an S.
Go under the arch.
Look up three stories for the Church's modern church bell tower on the left.
On the your left, you will pass "Hreizat Stairs".
Soon, "334 Star Street" is on your left side.
"Catholic Stairs"
The door is before the "Catholic Stairs" on the left, and then "Tarajeh Street"on the right.
"Tarajeh Street" goes to "Manager Street".
Also, "Star Street" dead ends into "Manager Street".
"Star Street" is between "Manager Street" and "Paul VI Street".
Another way to go to the Church is walk to the "Catholic Stairs". Turn left at the "Catholic Stairs". Walk half way up the "Catholic Stairs". The church entrance is on your left.
The Salesian Fathers, with Sacred Heart Church and Technical School, are at the top of "Catholic Stairs".
Travel between Bethlehem and Jerusalem
Travel between the Bethlehem and "Damascus Gate" / "Bab al-'Amoud" in Jerusalem can be by private taxi, shared taxi, or bus.
Travel to Bethlehem
From "Damascus Gate" / "Bab al-'Amoud" in Jerusalem, you can take a private taxi, shared taxi, or bus. You must walk across the Bethlehem Checkpoint because public transportation can not cross the Bethlehem Checkpoint. Then, you can take a private taxi or shared taxi.
Travel from Bethlehem
From "Manager Square" in Bethlehem, you can take a private taxi or shared taxi. You must walk across the Bethlehem Checkpoint because public transportation can not cross the Bethlehem Checkpoint. Then, you can take a private taxi.
Nativity Celebrations connected to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem (Biet Lehem)
Abuna Faraj Pilgrim House and Saint Joseph Pilgrim House in Nazareth
Abuna Faraj Pilgrim House and Saint Joseph Pilgrim House
PO Box 3109
Street 5070
16130 Nazareth
Tel.: +972 (0)4 602 0136, from other countries including the U.S.:011.972.4.602 0136, from Jerusalem and Bethlehem: 4.602 0136
Tel.: +972 (0)52 706 5558, from other countries including the U.S.: 011.972.52 706 5558, from Jerusalem and Bethlehem: 52.706 5558
E-mail: office@afpilgrimhouse.com office@afpilgrimhouse.com
Web site : https://il.chemin-neuf.org/fr/accueil/ou-nous-trouver/abuna-faraj-pilgrim-house
or www.afpilgrimhouse.com
Chemin Neuf Community / La Communauté du Chemin Neuf
The "Abuna Faraj House" opened in 2016. The "Abuna Faraj House" contains 17 air conditioned en-suite rooms, two meeting rooms and a chapel.
The "Saint Joseph House" opened in 2018. The "Saint Joseph House" contains 23 air conditioned en-suite rooms, a spacious sitting room, and a
comfortable dining room.
Total in house accommodation : 40 rooms - 100 beds. All rooms have inside bathrooms with a toilet. Special features: Wi-Fi, free parking,
meeting rooms, and a chapel
Directions within Nazareth
The Melkite Greek Catholic compound contains Abuna Faraj Pilgrim House and Saint Joseph Pilgrim House, St. Joseph Seminary/Séminarie, a school, a convent, and a church.
This Melkite Greek Catholic compound is located up a small hill, that is it is on the "Al MUTRAN HILL"
or the "Klerekia". The Melkite Greek Catholic compound is within the "AL MUTRAN Quarter", where the Klerekia is, where
the School of the Mutran is, and near to the Grand New Hotel. ("AL MUTRAN Quarter" is named after Mutran School or St. Joseph Seminary.)
Directions: From the Basilica of the Annunciation, which is on "Paul VI Street" and travel up hill to the AL MUTRAN Quarter.
- Taxi - the cost is about NIS 20
- Mini Bus Number 18 - get off at the stop near to the "Grand New Hotel" (the cost is about NIS 5) and walk about one minute
- Walk - the time is about an half hour
5. Ibillin in the Galilee region near Nazareth Mar Elias Educational Institutions
Melkite Greek Catholic Church in Holy Land - Mar Elias Educational Institutions,
Contact Information
P.O. Box 102
Ibillin 30012
Galilee, Israel
Office Tel.: 8432 105, from other countries including the US: 011.972.4.8432 105, local from outside Ibillin: 04.8432 105
Office Fax: 8432 106, from other countries including the US: 011.972.4.8432 106, local from outside Ibillin: 04.8432 106
President: His Excellency Sayedna / Sayidna / Archbishop Dr. Elias Chacour
E-mail: office@m-e-c.org
Web site: http://www.m-e-c.org/
6. Zababadeh in the Northern West Bank
St. George (Mar Giries) Melkite Greek Catholic Church, http://www.stgeorgeinzababdeh.com/
St. George (Mar Giries) Melkite Greek Catholic Church
Contact Information
Abouna Firas Boutros Khoury Diab
E-mail: Abouna Firas Boutros Khoury Diab,cure_zab@yahoo.com or
Abouna Firas Boutros Khoury Diab, firas_khoury2002@yahoo.com
Land telephone for the Church / Home: 2510894, from other countries including the U.S.: 011.970.4.2510894, from Jerusalem and Bethlehem: 04.2510894 (Code 970 is for Palestine National Authority and code 972 is for Israel. Both codes will work.)
Cell / Mobile telephone for Abouna Firas: 0599789282, from other countries including the U.S.: 011.970.599789282, (do not dial the area code and the 0), from Jerusalem and Bethlehem: 0599789282 (Code 970 is for Palestine National Authority and code 972 is for Israel. Both codes will work.)
Fax: None
Web site: St. George (Mar Giries) Melkite Greek Catholic Church, http://www.stgeorgeinzababdeh.com/
Mailing address: St. George Church, Zababdeh, Palestine National Authority
St. George Church does not have a street mailing address nor a Post Box Office mailing address.
Physical location: St. George Church is the Catholic Church on the main road.
7. Holy Savior Seminary at Beit Sahour (Sheperds Field) near Bethlehem (Biet Lehem)
Contact Information
Contact Holy Savior Seminary and the parish for reservations.
Confirmed reservations are recommended.
A. Bishop Abu Sadda Street
Parish and Seminary Telephone: 2772732, from the US: 011.972.2.2772732, local from outside Beit-Sahour / Bethlehem: 02.2772732
Secondary School Telephone: 2772424, from the US: 011.972.2.2772424, local from outside Beit-Sahour / Bethlehem: 02.2772424
Secondary School Fax: 02-2773525, from the US: 011.972.2.02.2773525, local from outside Beit-Sahour / Bethlehem: 02.02.2773525
Major Seminary Telephone: 2772505, from the US: 011.972.2.2772505, local from outside Beit-Sahour / Bethlehem: 02.2772505
Major Seminary Fax: 02-2773606, from the US: 011.972.2.02.2773606, local from outside Beit-Sahour / Bethlehem: 02.02-2773606
Clinic Telephone: 2774443, from the US: 011.972.2.2774443, local from outside Beit-Sahour / Bethlehem: 02.2774443
20-25 minutes walk from the Church of the Nativity
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Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center
Martha Liles
Web URL address: Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center or https://www.mliles.com/melkite/
E-mail: mliles@mliles.com or mliles@mliles.com
Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center is
an unofficial Melkite Greek Catholic Web site and has not been reviewed or
approved by any Melkite clergy person.
Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center contains a range of World Wide Web sites on Melkite faith, belief, practice, history, etc. Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center
does not endorse any World Wide Web site nor takes any responsibility for the contents of any World Wide Web site. Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center
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World Wide Web site. Please remember that Web sites will change their content and their location. It is the user's responsibility to decide whether
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Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center is
dedicated to my cousins: Bucky (Richard C. Liles), Shirley (Shirley Jean Liles Buck), and Donna (Donna Bertha Liles Campbell). Bucky fell asleep in
the Lord on Dec. 12, 2000, Shirley fell asleep in the Lord on Nov. 8, 2001, and Donna fell asleep in the Lord on March 9, 2020.
O God of all spirits and of all flesh, who have destroyed death, overcome the devil, and given life to the world: grant, O Lord, to the souls of your servants
Bucky and Shirley, who has departed from this life, that it may rest in a place of light, in a place of happiness, in a place of peace, where there is no pain, no
grief, no sighing. And since You are a gracious God and the Lover of Mankind, forgive him/her every sin he/she has committed by thought, or word, or deed, for
there is not a man who lives and does not sin : You alone are without sin, your righteousness is everlasting, and your word is true. You are the Resurrection and
the Life, and the repose of your departed servants Bucky and Shirley. O Christ our God, and we send up glory to You, together with your eternal Father and your
all-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and always and for ages upon ages. Amen.
This site copyright©2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020 Martha Liles. All rights reserved.
Last Updated: Wednesday, June 03, 2020, 16:19:11, CDT
The current date and time is: Tuesday, March 25, 2025, 21:02:14, CDT or Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 02:02:14, GMT