Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information CenterKontakion, Troparion, Exapostilarion, and Vespers Sticheron or DoxastikonThe "Troparion" and "Kondakion" are short poetic hymns (chants) that presents the theme of devotion or the event remembered on a feast. Every feast has a "Troparion" and "Kondakion". Also, every day has a "Troparion" and "Kondakion". TroparionThe word "Troparion" refers to a short poetic hymn (chant) that presents the theme of devotion or the event remembered on a feast. Every feast has a Troparion. This Troparion becomes the theme song of the feast or the day . On Sundays, the Troparion are hymns praising the Resurrection. There are eight resurrectional Troparion corresponding to the eight modes of Greek chant used in our church. Generally, the Troparion in honor of the Patron Saint of the church is sung. Troparion is the singular of Troparia. KontakionKontakion was originally a long poem. Kontakion consisted of a short preliminary stanza and was followed by some 18 to 24 strophes, each known as an ikos. The stanza and the ikos concluded with the same refrain. Today, all that remains is the stanza followed by the first ikos. When sungImmediately after the Little Entrance, the choir or cantor sings the "Troparion" and then the "Kondakion". Immediately after the priest pours the zeon (warm water) crosswise into the holy chaliceThe choir or cantor sings the Kondakion or Communion Hymn. These are the Kinonika of the week. Each weekday has its own Kinonika. TypiconCyberTypicon by Reverend Father / Abouna Peter Boutros. Download his computer program. "CyberTypicon" is a computer program automating the
practices and prayers of the Catholic Melkite Church. Beside the automation, CyberTypicon will also attempt to simplify the task
of defining the prayers traditionally practiced by the Byzantine Eastern Christians." Saint Joseph Melkite Greek Catholic Church Saint Joseph Melkite Greek Catholic Church, Lawrence, MA, Click on Download Typicon for month Primer for Melkite Worship and Ritual by Reverend Father / Abouna Philaret LittlefieldMaterial for inclusion in the St. George Melkite (Byzantine) Greek Catholic Church, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States Sunday Bulletin Kondakia (Kondakion) More InformationCyberTypicon by Reverend Father / Abouna Peter Boutros.
"CyberTypicon" is a computer program automating the
practices and prayers of the Catholic Melkite Church. Beside the automation, CyberTypicon will also attempt to simplify the task
of defining the prayers traditionally practiced by the Byzantine Eastern Christians." Primer for Melkite Worship
and Ritual by Reverend Father / Abouna Philaret Littlefield Web Site Home - Theology Home - Hierarchy Home - Locations Home - Education Home - Stewardship Home - Links Home - Vendors Home - Alphabetical Index Home - Thesaurus Home - Sitemap Home - Arabic fonts Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center Martha Liles Web URL address: Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center or E-mail: or Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center is
an unofficial Melkite Greek Catholic Web site and has not been reviewed or
approved by any Melkite clergy person. Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center is
dedicated to my cousins: Bucky (Richard C. Liles), Shirley (Shirley Jean Liles Buck), and Donna (Donna Bertha Liles Campbell). Bucky fell asleep in
the Lord on Dec. 12, 2000, Shirley fell asleep in the Lord on Nov. 8, 2001, and Donna fell asleep in the Lord on March 9, 2020. This site copyright©2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020 Martha Liles. All rights reserved.