Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information CenterHoly and Glorious Pascha Celebration Eighth Day - Second Sunday of: Sunday of Thomas or Bright Sunday or New Sunday
The Second Sunday of Holy and Glorious Pascha continues the celebration of Pascha. The Church celebrates the confirmation of the Resurrection of Holy God the Son within the Holy Trinity / Our Lord, God and Savior, Jesus Christ, when he changed Holy and Glorious Apostle Thomas' doubts into a profession of faith. The boldness of Holy and Glorious Apostle Thomas is contrasted with the gentleness of Holy God the Son within the Holy Trinity / Our Lord, God and Savior, Jesus Christ. ApostolosActs of the Apostles (chapter 5, verses 12-20). We also continue reading the story of the beginnings of the Church. It is thought that Holy Apostle Luke the Evangelist wrote the Book of Acts of the Apostles . GospelGlorious Apostle John the Theologian and Evangelist (chapter20, verses 19-31) The story is of the Holy and Glorious Apostle Thomas. Holy and Glorious Apostle Thomas was absent at the first appearance of Holy God the Son within the Holy Trinity / Our Lord, God and Savior, Jesus Christ to the Disciples. Holy and Glorious Apostle Thomas didn't believe in the Resurrection until he actually saw and felt Holy God the Son within the Holy Trinity / Our Lord, God and Savior, Jesus Christ's wounds. This Gospel story has for us the powerful message: "Blessed are those who have not seen, yet have believed." Kontakion, Troparion, Exapostilarion, and Vespers Sticheron or DoxastikonThe tone for this week is 1. TROPARION OF (TONE 1) Pascha CycleThe Sundays of Holy and Glorious Pascha or Sundays after Holy and Glorious Pascha are between Holy and Glorious Pascha and Pentecost. How to determine when the Sundays of Holy and Glorious Pascha occur.More InformationThe Comfirmation of St. Thomas in the Faith Saint Joseph Melkite Greek Catholic Church, Lawrence, Massachusetts, Click on Mobile Feasts of Our Lord IkonThe Comfirmation of St. Thomas in the Faith Saint Joseph Melkite Greek Catholic Church, Lawrence, Massachusetts, Click on Mobile Feasts of Our Lord
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dedicated to my cousins: Bucky (Richard C. Liles), Shirley (Shirley Jean Liles Buck), and Donna (Donna Bertha Liles Campbell). Bucky fell asleep in
the Lord on Dec. 12, 2000, Shirley fell asleep in the Lord on Nov. 8, 2001, and Donna fell asleep in the Lord on March 9, 2020. This site copyright©2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020 Martha Liles. All rights reserved.