Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center
Feast | Event Commem- orated | Action of Event | Significance of Event | Celebrate | Apostolos | Gospel | Date | Class |
Pentecost | People in upper room receive gifts of Holy Spirit. | Holy Spirit descend- ing on people in upper room. | ºFinal revelation of dogma of Holy Trinity. ºBirth of Church. ºBeginning of Church's mission to world. ºChristian unity within diversity of nations, languages, and cultures. | Birthday of Church. | Acts 2:1-11 | John 7:35-52, 8:12 | 50th day of Pascha | Great Feast Class 1 |
Sunday of Pascha | Sunday after Pascha | Day of Pascha | Name | Apostolos | Gospel | Tone | Saints |
8 | 7 | 50 | Pentecost | Acts 2:1-11 | Jn. 7:37-52, 8:12 | 8 | Theotokos Apostles |
Ten days after the Ascension into Heaven of Holy God the Son within the Holy Trinity / Our Lord, God and Savior, Jesus Christ and on the fiftieth day of His glorious Resurrection, which is celebrated on Holy and Glorious Pascha, Holy God the Father sent Holy God the Holy Spirit as tongues of fire upon the people in the upper room. These people were The Theotokos, the apostles, the disciples, etc. The power of the Holy Spirit came upon the Apostles in the form of tongues of fire, giving them the ability to preach the Good News of Holy God the Son within the Holy Trinity / Our Lord, God and Savior, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, to all the people of the world in their own languages.
The Church understands Pentecost as the healing of the divisions among peoples that resulted from the prideful attempt to build the Tower of Babel up to Heaven. We cannot achieve unity with God on our own, by reaching up; we are called to unity with God by God's coming down to us and raising us up from pride and sin.
Our Lord, God and Savior Jesus had promised to send the Holy God the Holy Spirit before He ascended into Heaven on the 40th day of Holy and Glorious Pascha.
Pentecost was the birth of the Church. The Great Feast of Pentecost commemorates the birth of the Church. Then, Great Feast of Pentecost is the birthday of the Church.
Many theologians consider this Sunday to be the Eight Sunday of Holy and Glorious Pascha or the Seventh Sunday after Holy and Glorious Pascha.
According to St Athanasios, the purpose of Christ's coming was that we might receive the Holy Spirit to deify us. ["Deify" means to become one with God.]
"The Son has given us the first-fruits of the Spirit so that we may be transformed into sons of God, according to the image of the Son of God." It is only through the indwelling of the Spirit in the Church that we have the personal possibility of recovering the likeness. [We are created in the image and likeness of God. The great spiri-tual writers say that we always have the image of God in us, but through sin we have lost the likeness, so we always have to strive, with God's help, to grow more and more like God.] In the ikon of Pentecost, we see the Spirit coming upon the Church (in the persons of the Apostles). Below, the cosmos stands as a shriveled figure, paralyzed, grown old, reaching out to receive the Spirit's life passed on to us. The creation does not come alive until it receives the life of the Spirit, and this only comes through us. "The Mystery Lived: Light for Life, Part III," p. 19.
All of you who have been baptised into Christ have put on Christ. Alleluia! or All of you who have been baptised into Christ have put on Christ. Alleluia!
or As many as have been baptised into Christ have put on Christ. Alleluia!
Antom ol-ladheen bli-Maseeh i'tamadtom al-Maseeh qad labistom, Allilouia
Ossi ees Christon evaptisthiteh, Christon enedheesasthen, Allilouia
Blessed are You, O Christ our God, who have filled the fishermen with wisdom
by sending down the Holy Spirit upon them, and who through them
have caught in your net the whole world. O Lover of mankind, glory to You!
Acts 2:1-11
Acts 2:1-11 tells the story of this coming of Holy God the Holy Spirit.
John 7:37-52 and 8:12
Palsm 20
Good Comforter, save us who sing to You: Alleluia.
Khallisna Ayouhal Mu'azee as-saalih, nahnul muranneemeena Laka, Halleloueya.
From Holy and Glorious Pascha to Pentecost, Sunday is the first day of the Liturical week. In the remainder of the year, Sunday is the last day of the Liturgical week.
The Great Feast of Pentecost is within the Pascha Cycle. The Great Feast of Pentecost is the fiftieth day of Pascha and is ten days after the Ascension into Heaven of Our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ. Depending on the theologian, Pentecost is either the last Sunday of Pascha or the Sunday after the last Sunday of Pascha.
Pentecost is the day after the Second All Souls Saturday.
On the evening of Pentecost, Vespers for the Monday after the Great Feast of Pentecost are said. These Vespers include Kneeling Prayers.
Pentecost ends the Pascha cycle.
Pentecost Saint Ann Melkite Greek Catholic Church, Paterson, NJ
Pentecost Sunday Saint Joseph Melkite Greek Catholic Church, Lawrence, Massachusetts, Click on Mobile Feasts of Our Lord
Pentecost Sunday Saint Joseph Melkite Greek Catholic Church, Lawrence, Massachusetts, Click on Mobile Feasts of Our Lord
Chantez au Seigneur un Chant Chantez au Seigneur un Chant Chantez au Seigneur un Chant Nouveau St Jean Chrysostome Brussels, Belgium
Sunday of Pascha | Day after Sunday of Pascha | Sunday after Pascha | Day of Pascha | Name | Apostolos | Gospel | Tone | Saint |
1 | 0 | 1 | Pascha | Acts 1:1-9 | Jn. 1:1-17 | 0 | ||
Bright Monday Vespers | 1 | 0 | ||||||
Bright Monday | Monday after Pascha | 2 | New Monday | Acts 1:12-17, 21-28 | Jn. 1:18-28 | 0 | ||
Bright Week | Mon. - Sat. after Pascha | 2-7 | New Week | many | many | 0 | ||
2 | 1 | 8 | Thomas Sunday Bright Sunday New Sunday | Acts 5:12-20 | Jn. 20:19-31 | 1 | Holy Glorious Apostle Thomas |
3 | 2 | 15 | Myrhh- Bearing Women | Acts 6:1-7 | Mk. 15:43-16:8 | 2 | Myrrh- bearing Woman Mary Magdalen, Equal of Apostles | |
4 | 3 | 22 | Paralytic | Acts 9:32-42 | Jn. 5:1-15 | 3 | ||
Mid Pentecost | Wed. after 4 Sunday | 25 | Middle feast | Acts 14:6-18 | Jn. 7:14-30 | 3 | ||
5 | 4 | 29 | Samaritan Woman | Acts 11:19-30 | Jn. 4:5-42 | 4 | ||
6 | 5 | 36 | Man Born Blind | Acts 16:16-34 | Jn. 9:1-38 | 5 | ||
Great Feast Ascension into Heaven Our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ | Thurs. after 6 Sunday | 40th day Pascha 10 days before Pente- cost | Acts 1:1-12 | Lk. 24:36-53 | 6 | Theotokos Apostles |
7 | 6 | 43 | Fathers First Ecumen- ical Council | Acts 20:16-18 27-36 | Jn. 17:1-13 | 7 | ||
2 Sat. Dead | Sat. after 7 Sunday | 49th day Pascha 1 day before Pente- cost | ||||||
8 | 7 | 50 | Pentecost | Acts 2:1-11 | Jn. 7:37-52, 8:12 | 8 | Theotokos Apostles |
Feast | Event Commem- orated | Action of Event | Significance of Event | Celebrate | Apostolos | Gospel | Date | Class |
Annun- ciation of Theotokos Ever Virgin Mary | Jesus Christ's conception in human form Incar- nation. | Future Theotokos' accepting Holy God's will saying yes to Holy God. | Holy God becomes human Incar- nation. | Beginning of process of our redemption. | Heb. 2:11-18 | Lk. 1:24-38 | 25 March | Great Feast Class 2 |
Nativity According to Flesh of Our Lord, God Savior, Jesus Christ | Jesus Christ's birth in human form. | Jesus Christ being born in human form. | Messiah is born. | Jesus Christ's birthday. | Gal. 4:4-7 | Mt. 2:1-12 | 25 Dec. | Great Feast Class 1 |
Circum- cision of Our Lord, God Savior, Jesus Christ |
Jesus Christ's Naming and Circum- cision. | Jesus Christ submitted to Mosaic Law. | Jesus Christ is named | Jesus Christ's Naming and Circum- cision. | Col. 2:8-12 | Lk. 2:20-21, 40-52 | 1 Jan. | Feast Class 3 |
ºHoly Hypapanty of Our Lord, God Savior, Jesus Christ ºPurifi- cation of Theotokos | ºJesus Christ's presen- tation at Temple. ºTheotokos' purification. | Theotokos bringing Jesus Christ to Temple at prescribed time for prescribed rituals. | Messiah's first meeting with His people. | A step in process of our redemption. | Heb. 7:7-17 | Lk. 2:22-40 | 2 Feb. | Great Feast Class 2 |
Holy Theophany of Our Lord, God Savior, Jesus Christ | Jesus Christ's baptism | Holy Prophet and Glorious Fore- runner John Baptist baptizing Our Lord, God Savior, Jesus Christ in River Jordan. | ºAs an adult, Jesus Christ shows His people that He is Holy God (manifestation Jesus Christ to the world). ºHoly God shows His people that Holy God is a Holy Trinity. | ºJesus Christ is Holy God. ºHoly God is a Holy Trinity | Tim. 2:11-14, 3:4-7 | Mt. 3:13-17 | 6 Jan. | Great Feast Class 1 |
Transfig- uration of Our Lord, God Savior, Jesus Christ | Jesus Christ's transfig- uration | Jesus Christ showing His disciples " much of His glory as they could behold...". | Jesus Christ is both fully Holy God and fully man. | ºReve- lation of glory of Holy God ºConfir- mation of two natures of Jesus Christ both fully Holy God and fully human. | 2 Pet. 1:10-19 | Mt. 17:1-9 | 6 Aug. | Great Feast Class 1 |
Triumphal Entry of Our Lord, God Savior, Jesus Christ into Jerusalem Holy and Glorious Palm Sun. Shaneeneh | Jesus Christ's triumphal entrance into Jerusalem. | Children throwing garments into Jesus Christ's path, pulling down branches from olive and palm trees, putting them in the road, and waving them in air, shouting "Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!" | Jesus Christ's people hailing Him as Messiah. | Jesus Christ is Messiah. | Phil. 4:4-9 | John 12:1-18 | 7 days before Pascha | Great Feast Class 1 |
Great and Holy Friday | Jesus Christ's death in human form on Holy Cross | Jesus Christ dies on Holy Cross | Holy God redeems our souls. | We have possi- bility of "eternal life". | 1 Cor. 1:18-24 | John 5:48-55 | 2 days before Pascha | Great Holy Fri. |
Holy and Glorious Pascha | Jesus Christ's resurrection in human form | Jesus Christ rising from dead and giving "eternal life" to good. | ºJesus Christ is Holy God. ºOpening possi- bility of "eternal life" | ºJesus Christ's victory over death. ºWe have possi- bility of "eternal life". | Acts 1:1-9 | John 1:1-17 | 1st Sun. after 1st full moon after 03/20 Ear- liest is 03/22 latest is 04/25. | Feasts of Feasts |
Ascension into Heaven of Our Lord, God Savior, Jesus Christ | Jesus Christ's ascension in human form into heaven. | Jesus Christ going to heaven. | Jesus Christ is Holy God. | Jesus Christ's victory over death. | Acts 1:1-12 | Lk. 24:36-53 | 40th day of Pascha | Great Feast Class 1 |
Exaltation of Precious and Lifegiving Holy Cross | Jesus Christ's Holy Cross is found. | ºSt Helena finding Holy Cross ºRecovering Holy Cross from Persians, returning It to Jerusalem, and raising It up (exalting). | Holy Cross is a sign of glory and victory. | Jesus Christ's victory over death. | 1 Cor. 1:18-24 | John 19:6-11, 13-20, 25-28a, 30-35a | 14 Sept. | Great Feast Class 1 |