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Great Feast of Pentecost - A Sunday after - Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councils
This Sunday honors all the Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councils.
The holy bishops who attended these Councils were inspired and guided by the Holy Spirit to clarify
and explain the basic doctrines of the Christian Church, and to defend
the True Faith against the attempts of heretics to lead the people into
false beliefs.
First Six Ecumenical Councils
A listing of the First Six Ecumenical Councils.
Letter of St Paul to the Letter of St Paul to Titus, chapter
3, verses 8-15, (Tit. 3:8-15) -
Holy, Glorious and Illustrious Prince of the Apostles Paul warns against getting involved in
"stupid controversies, genealogies, dissensions, and quarrels" and
advises Titus to lead his people to "devote themselves to good works in
order to meet urgent needs." The Church sees this passage as advice to
all bishops, priests, deacons, and other leaders in the Church. And it
applies as well to everyone in church congregations.
St Matthew, chapter 5, verses 14-19 (Mt. 5:14-19) - This Gospel also
applies to Church leaders, as a guide for their conduct and a warning of
what will happen if they mislead the people. Holy God the Son within the Holy Trinity / Our Lord, God and Savior, Jesus Christ begins by saying,
"You are the light of the world. . . . Let your light shine before
others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your
Father in heaven."
Holy God the Son within the Holy Trinity / Our Lord, God and Savior, Jesus Christ concludes with the admonition, "Whoever breaks
one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the
same, will be called least in the kingdom of heaven."
Kontakion, Troparion, Exapostilarion, and Vespers Sticheron or Doxastikon
The preaching of the Apostles and the teachings of the Fathers established in the Church a single and unified faith. Wherefore this Church, robed in the truth of theology inspired by heaven, explains and declares with certitude the great mystery of Christ.
The Fathers of the Councils proclaim to us today that the eternal Trinity is
One God and One Lord, explaining to us that it is of one nature, consubstantial,
of one will and one act, not divided or shared, existing in the simplicity of God's being;
and defining that this will & act of God have no beginning and will never have an end. Wherefore we the faithful glorify these Fathers as Equals of the Apostles, for they taught all humanity the true doctrine of God.
This Sunday is between July 13 and July 19.
The Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council are also honored on Seventh Sunday of Holy and Glorious Pascha - Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council.
Sundays of Pentecost or Pentecost Cycle
Sunday After Pente- cost
| Sunday of Week after Holy Cross | Name | Date | Apostolos | Gospel | Saint |
0 | | Pentecost | | Acts 2:1-11 | John 7:35-52, 8:12 | Theotokos
Apostles |
1st | | All Saints | | Heb. 11:33-12:2a | Mt. 10:32-38 19:27-30 | All Saints |
2nd | | Sunday Divine Body
Call First Apostles | | Rom. 2:10-16 | Mt. 4:18-23 | |
3d | | Light of Body
God and Money
Dependence on God | | Rom. 5:1-10 | Mt. 6:22-23 | |
4th | | Centurion's Servant | | Rom. 6:18-23 | Mt. 8:5-13 | |
5th | | Healing of Gerasene Demoniacs | | Rom. 10:1-10 | Mt. 8:28-9:1 | |
6th | | Healing of Paralytic | | Rom. 12:6-14 | Mt. 9:1-8 | |
7th | | Healing of Two Blind Men | | Rom. 15:1-7 | Mt. 9:27-35 | |
8th | | Feeding Five Thousand | | 1 Cor. 1:10-17 | Mt. 14:14-22 | |
9th | | Walking on Water | | 1 Cor. 3:9-17 | Mt. 14:22-34 | |
10th | | Healing the Epileptic Boy | | 1 Cor. 4:9-16 | Mt. 17:14b-23a | |
11th | | Unforgiving Servant | | 1 Cor. 9:2b-12 | Mt. 18:23-35 | |
12th | | Rich Young Man | | 1 Cor. 15:1-11 | Mt. 19:16-26 | |
13th | | Wicked Tenants | | 1 Cor. 16:13-24 | Mt. 21:33-42 | |
14th | | King's Marriage Feast | | 2 Cor. 1:21-2:4 | Mt. 22:2-14 | |
15th | | Great Command- ment | | 2 Cor. 4:6-15 | Mt. 22:35-46 | |
16th | | Parable of Talents | | 2 Cor. 6:1-10 | Mt. 25:14-30 | |
17th | | Canaanite Woman | when four Sundays
between Sunday after Great Feast of Holy Theophany and 1st Sunday
of Triodion Pharisee and Publican | 2 Cor. 6:16b-7:1 | Mt. 15:21-28 | |
18th | A Sun. | | ? | 2 Cor. 9:6-11 | A Sun. after Holy Cross | |
19th | A Sun. | | ? | 2 Cor. 11:32-12:9 | A Sun. after Holy Cross | |
20th | A Sun. | | ? | 2 Tim 2:1-10 | A Sun. after Holy Cross | |
21st | A Sun. | | ? | Gal. 2:16-20 | A Sun. after Holy Cross | |
22d | A Sun. | | ? | Gal. 6:11-18 | A Sun. after Holy Cross | |
23rd | A Sun. | | ? | Eph. 2:4-10 | A Sun. after Holy Cross | |
24th | A Sun. | | ? | Eph. 2:14-22 | A Sun. after Holy Cross | |
25th | A Sun. | | ? | Eph. 4:1-7 | A Sun. after Holy Cross | |
26th | A Sun. | | ? | Eph. 5:8-19 | A Sun. after Holy Cross | |
27th | A Sun. | | ? | Eph. 6:10-17 | A Sun. after Holy Cross | |
28th | A Sun. | | ? | Cor. 1:12-18 | A Sun. after Holy Cross | |
29th | 30th | A Sun. | | ? | Col. 3:12-16 | A Sun. after Holy Cross | |
31st | A Sun. | | ? | 1 Tim. 1:15-17 | A Sun. after Holy Cross | |
32d | A Sun. | | ? | 1 Tim 4:9-15 | A Sun. after Holy Cross | |
33rd | 16th | Triodion 1st Sun. Pharisee Publican | 10th Sunday before Pascha | 2 Cor. 4:6-15 | Lk. 18:10-14 | |
34th | 17th | Triodion 2d Sun. Prodigal Son | 9th Sunday before Pascha | Heb. 7:26-8:2 | Lk. 15:11-32 | |
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Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center
Martha Liles
Web URL address: Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center or https://www.mliles.com/melkite/
E-mail: mliles@mliles.com or mliles@mliles.com
Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center is
an unofficial Melkite Greek Catholic Web site and has not been reviewed or
approved by any Melkite clergy person.
Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center contains a range of World Wide Web sites on Melkite faith, belief, practice, history, etc. Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center
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Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center is
dedicated to my cousins: Bucky (Richard C. Liles), Shirley (Shirley Jean Liles Buck), and Donna (Donna Bertha Liles Campbell). Bucky fell asleep in
the Lord on Dec. 12, 2000, Shirley fell asleep in the Lord on Nov. 8, 2001, and Donna fell asleep in the Lord on March 9, 2020.
O God of all spirits and of all flesh, who have destroyed death, overcome the devil, and given life to the world: grant, O Lord, to the souls of your servants
Bucky and Shirley, who has departed from this life, that it may rest in a place of light, in a place of happiness, in a place of peace, where there is no pain, no
grief, no sighing. And since You are a gracious God and the Lover of Mankind, forgive him/her every sin he/she has committed by thought, or word, or deed, for
there is not a man who lives and does not sin : You alone are without sin, your righteousness is everlasting, and your word is true. You are the Resurrection and
the Life, and the repose of your departed servants Bucky and Shirley. O Christ our God, and we send up glory to You, together with your eternal Father and your
all-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and always and for ages upon ages. Amen.
This site copyright©2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020 Martha Liles. All rights reserved.
Last Updated: Wednesday, June 03, 2020, 19:25:05, CDT
The current date and time is: Monday, March 03, 2025, 13:10:27, CST or Monday, March 03, 2025, 19:10:27, GMT