Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information CenterNicene Creed - An explanation of the The addition of "and from the Son" or "Filioque" by the Latin Catholic ChurchNicene Creed in St. Peter's BasciliaThe Nicene Creed is written on a wall in St. Peter's Bascilia in the Holy See of Rome. That Nicene Creed does not have the word "Filioque" because it was written before the word "Filioque" became standard in the Nicene Creed in the Latin Catholic Church. Melkite PositionThe explanation below was written by Rev. Fr. James Graham, Pastor of Saint Elias the Prophet Melkite Greek Catholic Mission, San Jose, CA. Why We Don't Say "and the Son" in the Creed Father Marko Ivan Rupnik, director of the Aletti Center of Studies in Rome for dialogue between the East and WestEASTERN SCHISM: A THING OF THE PAST? Interview With Father Marko Rupnik, of Aletti Center ROME, JULY 18, 2004 (Zenit.org).- The Great Eastern Schism occurred in July 1054, marking the start of a now 950-year-old rift in the Church. Papal legates placed on the altar of St. Sophia in Byzantium the excommunication against Patriarch Michael Cerularius of Constantinople, who, in turn, four days later, excommunicated the papal envoys. How did this all happen? Father Marko Ivan Rupnik, director of the Aletti Center of Studies in Rome for dialogue between the East and West, answered the question in this interview with Vatican Radio. Father Rupnik is the painter behind the Byzantine-inspired mosaics that decorate John Paul II's Redemptoris Mater Chapel in the Vatican. Q: What happened on July 16, 1054? Father Rupnik: Spiritually speaking, we can say that a "sin" was committed, as happens in all separations, in all schisms. It was not the only schism; there were many others before. The question was of jurisdiction over some areas in dispute, but dogmatic and theological reasons were given. It was about questions that affected the discipline of the Church, a question on the Eucharist, the subject of the "Filioque," etc. After 950 years, none of those issues are of any consequence! Q: What happened, then, to those disputed issues? For example, the most famous, the "Filioque." Father Rupnik: On the question of the "Filioque," namely, the fact that the Holy Spirit does not proceed only from the Father, but also from the Son, there is nothing left, as the Catholic Church, in a declaration a few years ago, totally resolved the question, which today does not represent any difficulty with the East. Q: So there is agreement on points of view on the question of the Holy Spirit? Father Rupnik: From a dogmatic point of view, there is agreement on points of view, as the Holy Father says. That is, there are no things that separate us irremediably. Today also, given the events that take place in the world, the very rapid evolution of culture, I think that it is really difficult to find reasons to remain divided. As the Pope said in "Orientale Lumen," we are now under the pressure of the charity of God to take steps toward a meeting, as only together can we point to Christ, Savior of the men and women of today. This is a pressure before which there can be no excuses. We must do everything possible to find points in common. Today it is about attaining, as the Second Vatican Council announced, full recognition of one another. It is about two great apostolic traditions. Q: In fact, the Pope also says in "Orientale Lumen" that the words of the West have need of the words of the East so that the Word of God will better manifest its unfathomable riches. Father Rupnik: Exactly. Today we feel the need of one another and this is the sign of a new Pentecost. Today we know that we must arrive at an exchange of gifts to be able to be recognized as disciples of Christ. ZE04071822 email this article: http://www.zenit.org/english/send_friend/index.phtml?sid=56996 The North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological ConsultationThe North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation is an ecumenical standing conference that has been meeting semiannually since it was founded in 1965 under the auspices of the Bishops' Committee for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA). It works in tandem with the Joint Committee of Orthodox and Catholic Bishops which has been meeting annually since 1981. Latin Catholic ChurchPope John Paul II, GENERAL AUDIENCE, Wednesday, 29 July 1998 The Father as the Source of the Whole Trinity The Procession of the Holy Spirit in Greek and Latin Traditions by the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, in September, 1995. This document was intended as a contribution to the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church. This document was approved by the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. This copy of this document is from Apologia: a Catholic Page for Protestants and Eastern Orthodox. Also, this document may be found in English in Catholic International magazine (volume 7, no. 1: January, 1996; pp 36-49). 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