Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center
Cycle | Preparation | Feast | Celebration |
Date | Name | Apostolos | Gospel |
Apostles' Fast begins | Monday after 1st Sun. after Pentecost | ||
Apostles' Fast ends | 28 June | 1 Cor. 12:7-11 | Mt. 10:1, 5-8 |
Feast Holy Apostles Peter and Paul | 29 June | 2 Cor. 1:21b-12:9 | Mt. 16:13-19 |
Celebration ends Feast Holy Twelve Apostles | 30 June | 1 Cor. 4:9-16 | Mt. 9:36-10.8 |
June 29 - The Holy, Glorious and Illustrious Prince of the Apostles Peter and The Holy, Glorious and Illustrious Prince of the Apostles Paul are called the "Princes of the Apostles." They suffered martyrdom in the year 67, by order of the Emperor Nero.
The Holy, Glorious and Illustrious Prince of the Apostles Peter and The Holy, Glorious and Illustrious Prince of the Apostles Paul are the Patron Saints of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church.
The Holy, Glorious and Illustrious Prince of the Apostles Peter was the first Pope and the first Patriarch / Batriyark of Antioch.
Holy God the Son within the Holy Trinity / Our Lord, God and Savior, Jesus Christ made The Holy, Glorious and Illustrious Prince of the Apostles Peter the Head of His Church on earth, the first Pope.
Holy God the Son within the Holy Trinity / Our Lord, God and Savior, Jesus Christ changed The Holy, Glorious and Illustrious Prince of the Apostles Peter's name from "Simon" to "Kephas", which is Aramaic for "The Rock". The Greek equivalent is "Petros", the Arabic equivalent is "Bourtos", and the English equivalent is "Peter".
"Then he brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, 'You are Simon the son of John; you will be called Kephas' (which is translated Peter)."(Jn. 1:42)
The Holy, Glorious and Illustrious Prince of the Apostles Paul was converted on the road to Damascus to destroy the Church at Antioch. This is an example of Holy God's mercy to the Melkite Church.
The Apostle Paul was baptized in Damascus. Then, he preached in Damascus. Next, he went to Antioch, where he taught. Finally, from Antioch, Holy, Glorious and Illustrious Prince of the Apostles Paul started his first apostolic journey.
Antioch was one of the first cities to become a center of the Christian faith. As the capital of the province, Antioch was to become the site of the area’s most prestigious Church.
The beginnings of the Church are documented in the New Testament, Book of Acts of the Apostles (Acts 11:19-26). Antioch is the second most frequently mentioned city. Church tradition maintains that the See of Antioch was founded by The Holy, Glorious and Illustrious Prince of the Apostles Peter in A.D. 45. After seven years in 53 when The Holy, Glorious and Illustrious Prince of the Apostles Peter began his trip to Rome, The Holy, Glorious and Illustrious Prince of the Apostles Peter appointed his first successor Euodius. In 68, St. Ignatios of Antioch (c. 107/108 AD) became the second successor to The Holy, Glorious and Illustrious Prince of the Apostles Peter.
The Church in Antoich was joined by members of the fledgling Christian community in Jerusalem, who fled during the persecution by Saul of Tarsus (Acts 11:19). (This persecution resulted in the the death of Saint Stephen, one of the original seven helpers of the apostles and the First Martyr (c. 35 AD) (Acts 7:58-60; 22:20)).
Later, Saul of Tarsus recieved letters from the High Priests and the whole council of elders to the Synagogues in Damascus to bring back Jewish converts to Christianity in chains to Jerusalem (Acts 9:1-2, 22:5). On the road to Damascus, Saul of Tarsus encountered the risen Christ (Acts 9:1-9, 22:6-11) in c. 37/38 AD. Saul of Tarsus continued to Damascus where he was Baptized (Acts 9:10-19a, 22:12-16). Then, The Holy, Glorious and Illustrious Prince of the Apostles Paul began preaching in Damascus (Acts 9:19b-22). Later, from Antioch, The Holy, Glorious and Illustrious Prince of the Apostles Paul started his first apostolic journey in c. 44/45 (Acts 13:1-3).
Much later, The Holy, Glorious and Illustrious Princes of the Apostles Peter and Paul
brought the message of Holy God the Son within the Holy Trinity / Our Lord, God and Savior, Jesus Christ to the City of Rome.
In the year 67, in Rome, The Holy, Glorious and Illustrious Prince of the Apostles Peter died for his faith, a martyr. The Holy, Glorious and Illustrious Prince of the Apostles Peter was crucified upside down.
In the year 67, in Rome, by order of the Emperor Nero, The Holy, Glorious and Illustrious Prince of the Apostles Paul died for his faith, a martyr. Because he was a Roman citizen, The Holy, Glorious and Illustrious Prince of the Apostles Paul had the privilege to be beheaded.
O Peter and Paul, higher in rank than any other apostle, doctors of the world, intercede with the Master of All that He may give peace to the world and great mercy to us all.
The Feast of the Holy, Glorious and Illustrious Princes of the Apostles Peter and Paul is a feast day. Feasting begins at the beginning of the Vespers of the Feast of the Holy, Glorious and Illustrious Princes of the Apostles Peter and Paul on 28 June evening. Feasting ends just before Vespers of Synaxis of the Holy Twelve Apostles, 30 June, evening.
In ikons, The Holy, Glorious and Illustrious Prince of the Apostles Peter is often shown carrying “keys of the kingdom”. In ikons, The Holy, Glorious and Illustrious Prince of the Apostles Paul is often shown carrying scriptures.
Holy Princes of the Apostles, Peter and Paul Saint Joseph Melkite Greek Catholic Church, Lawrence, Massachusetts, Click on Feasts of Major Saints
St. Paul Catholic Encyclopedia
St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles Catholic Encyclopedia
Holy Princes of the Apostles, Peter and Paul Saint Joseph Melkite Greek Catholic Church, Lawrence, Massachusetts, Click on Feasts of Major Saints
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Melkite Greek Catholic Church Information Center is
dedicated to my cousins: Bucky (Richard C. Liles), Shirley (Shirley Jean Liles Buck), and Donna (Donna Bertha Liles Campbell). Bucky fell asleep in
the Lord on Dec. 12, 2000, Shirley fell asleep in the Lord on Nov. 8, 2001, and Donna fell asleep in the Lord on March 9, 2020.
O God of all spirits and of all flesh, who have destroyed death, overcome the devil, and given life to the world: grant, O Lord, to the souls of your servants
Bucky and Shirley, who has departed from this life, that it may rest in a place of light, in a place of happiness, in a place of peace, where there is no pain, no
grief, no sighing. And since You are a gracious God and the Lover of Mankind, forgive him/her every sin he/she has committed by thought, or word, or deed, for
there is not a man who lives and does not sin : You alone are without sin, your righteousness is everlasting, and your word is true. You are the Resurrection and
the Life, and the repose of your departed servants Bucky and Shirley. O Christ our God, and we send up glory to You, together with your eternal Father and your
all-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and always and for ages upon ages. Amen.
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Last Updated: Wednesday, June 03, 2020, 16:48:56, CDT
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